Saturday, June 11, 2011

Judgment or Mercy...Which Will America Choose?

In 1993, God sent me on a journey. A full-paid ministry opportunity to an Endtime Handmaidens Conference in Dallas, Texas. The actual location being the block where John F. Kennedy was fatally shot. After the events in Tucson which occurred in January, the Lord began to bring insight to me regarding what He is highlighting in America right now. A nine-year old victim, Christina Greene, was shot in the chest and died from her injuries during Representative Gifford's political rally community outreach. Interestingly, she was born on 9-11.

Let me backtrack to 1993. As I attended these particular meetings, my head began to hurt and I began to see visions (I had never seen visions prior). The burden in my heart and mind that came with these visions was quite heavy. Snapshot images of young successful men and women wearing suits and carrying briefcases constantly were brought before me. I also saw broken debris and glass as if something had exploded. I prayed and interceded while carrying this burden for several days. The Lord then clearly spoke to me. "These are those who have been aborted. I see them as young, vibrant, and successful, but their lives were snuffed out. I will avenge their blood and bring judgment on America."

Due to the vision, when 9-11 occurred there was no doubt in my mind why it had happened. I was incredulous at God's mercy in this situation. Since 1972 there have been approximately 51 million legal abortions performed in America, 1.5 billion worldwide. If God is just and a defender of orphans and widows, He will bring judgment. Surely this would give Him plenty of reason to punish our country. God loves mothers and children and has compassion for all. But He is just and will repay. How many people died that day? 3,500 souls definitely seems like mercy, but violence covers our land and there are many additional victims of crime suffering on U.S. soil.

When something is highlighted in the national news, God may use it to get our attention. What got my attention was Christina Greene. Born on 9-11, a day of judgment on our nation, and being 9 years old at her death. Nine is the number of judgment. The representative was shot in the head very similarly to the way JFK was shot. This particular representative was pro-abortion. Christina means "follower of Christ" and comes from the word Christian. Greene can represent new growth. The Christian church and movement has been growing and thriving in America but as the Scripture states, "judgment must first come to the church before it is brought on the world." We should "judge ourselves." This seems to indicate God will be bringing judgment on the unrepentant churches in America and will bring death to things that seem to be thriving. He is coming against the humanist thought process and logic behind abortion. Just as ancient peoples sacrificed their own children to the gods to improve their crops, we sacrifice our children before the idols of convenience, body image, and selfishness. God does not look the other way when these things occur. Hitler utilized what seemed to be logical thought processes to exterminate millions of Jews. If humans at any stage of development are devalued, they become trash  that can just be thrown away.

(Since January, much legislation has been passed in opposition to abortion across several states. Plus, secret tactics of Planned Parenthood staff members who have been hiding illegal sexual activity while utilizing tax dollars has been uncovered.)

Also killed in the attack, a government advocate for social justice and a federal judge that had just attended mass. This is very significant. Also, Tucson is home of the first birth control center in Arizona started by Margaret Sanger, which was where Planned Parenthood originated. I was wondering why Tucson was significant, and that is why. God is getting to the root of the matter. In 1946 a Catholic church bishop denounced the founding principles of Planned Parenthood openly. (For those of you who are unaware, Planned Parenthood is an abortion mill presented under the guise of "birth control.")

We must agree with God if we want judgment to be averted. Intercessors, it is time to cry out to Heaven for justice and mercy. Justice against the enemy of the human race, Satan. However, the people that believe his lies are trapped and must be freed for this to be changed. Stand in the gap for America. Pray that many unborn lives will be spared and that the slaughter would not be expedited by any healthcare legislation promoting abortion or euthanasia. Or else history is doomed to repeat itself.

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