Thursday, September 25, 2008

Revelation, Prophetic, Words, Whatever you want to call it!

The terminology you want to use really doesn't matter. Prophecy, revelation, words, insight, mysteries, enigmas...It is all information you can't know by human means or you have no way of naturally knowing without the Holy Spirit revealing it to you. This "mystical" realm or spiritual realm can be accessed by those who have learned the ways of the Spirit or have a "gifting" in this area. This blog will explore the different types of revelation there are, definitions of such, biblical examples, and personal experiences of myself and others. Hopefully, this blog will encourage you as a means of learning and growing in your spiritual giftings and yearnings.

I must stress that to correctly interpret any revelation, you must remain intimate with God. Pride and unrest are the enemies of true godly interpretations. Knowing you "are not all that" is paramount. You serve the body of Christ and the world around you with your particular fragrance or flavor from the Lord. The Scripture is clear that prophets suffered greatly for the revelation they received from God.'s a good thing.

Revelation, Prophetic, Words, Whatever you want to call it!