Friday, March 23, 2012

Are You in the Ministry?

Have you ever been asked this question? I find it an oxymoron of sorts. Pastors minister from their pulpits, televangelists minister through the screens, missionaries suffer somewhere else that nobody else wants to go. These are the superheroes of ministry. Let me offer some true examples of what ministry really is. The example being Jesus. Helping out at the local soup kitchen, taking care of a patient at the hospital with love and tender care, letting someone go in front of you in the grocery line, writing a check to an organization that feeds the poor, picking up someone for church, visiting and praying for someone in the hospital, changing your baby's diaper, tucking your kids into bed, paying attention to your kids. These are all acts of service and are all considered ministry. When your whole life is dedicated to serving God, everything matters. Eternity will be impacted by the countless acts of faithful service and obedience to the voice of God. Someone wiped John the Baptist's bottom. Someone cleaned up the mess after Jesus fed the 5,000. John Wesley had a godly mother who took care of bunches of kids, prayed, and taught them the Scriptures. Your part in the earth and time tapestry God is weaving matters. The essence of your created existence, the spiritual impartation you bring can never be duplicated by anyone else. We are all part of the grand design, but each unique to its completion and rarity.

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