Thursday, February 12, 2009

Get Your Mind in the Right Place

To obtain victory in any area of your life you must search out the truth. If there is a lie in your mind or heart that you believe, it will bring you down a false path. One of the lies Americans believe is that they can't calm down or they have to be stressed to be productive. Our access to technology (including television, computers, multimedia, MP3 players, ipods, blackberries, etc.) and use of these things trains our brain toward mental scattering. Focusing on God requires the ability to focus our mind and push out distractions of all kinds. This is what mystics of old have tried to do by leaving society to quiet serene landscapes so they can seek God and know Him. They were searching for this peace even when technology was not a problem for them.

You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you. (Isaiah 26:3) This Scripture outlines the truth of what God thinks about things. If our mind is steadfast and focused AND we trust in God, we will have peace permeating our entire being which includes our spirit, soul, and body. Peace is a force which is not easily upset or irritated, resting in God and knowing He will take care of what we need. This peace can flow in and from us even when we are busy or working.

Jesus said to, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength." In Romans, Paul says that "the mind controlled by the Spirit is life and peace." To love God with your mind, we must discipline our mind with self-control and submit to the Holy Spirit. It is clear from the Bible that God thinks a certain way, it is not the way man thinks, so we must be open to what the Scripture says and what God is revealing to us at any given time. That is why we can never "know it all." There is too much knowledge in the universe for any one person to know everything. Stewarding our mind toward spiritual things will reap huge benefits for us and those around us. Jesus knows all of our thoughts and wants us to think like He does and know His ways. I want you to think victoriously in this area so laying out the truth of the matter is essential first.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Easily Distracted While Praying?

Recently, several people have mentioned to me how they are easily distracted during times of prayer or "tuning in" to God. As always, Jesus is our example. He spent many hours away seeking the Father and communing with Him. He also had an uncanny ability to "know" what God wanted Him to do in any given situation and was able to interact in a supernatural way with people, the physical world, and the spiritual world.

The Scripture talks about entering into His rest. In a practical sense, we must learn to dial down our soul and body when they try to take over the work our spirit is accomplishing while in communion with God. This communion or connection with God is desired 24/7. This is the great battle against our mind and soul. To stay as close as we can to His Spirit and be one with Him. In effect, in that communion we are like Jesus as we know what God's heart is for differing situations we may encounter.

For the next several days, I will add my thoughts to how this can be accomplished step by step. It is extremely difficult to maintain this type of communion if you are easily distracted and we must discipline ourselves toward focusing our spirit for victory in this arena.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Spiritual Despair and the Touch of God

Today I was reading about the story of Jesus and the woman He healed with the issue of blood (Mark 5:30) . Jesus was looking for the woman because He had "felt" virtue or power leave His body. This is an important lesson about spiritual sensitivity. Although there were lots of people around, Jesus was aware of the situation in the spirit around Him. He cared about what God was doing. He cared that someone was in pain, He cared that someone was rejected, even though He was busy, He cared.

One of the most powerful cries to God is one of despair or hopelessness but still believing in His power. Knowing He is the only option you have left. She said to herself, "If I can only touch Him, I will be healed." She had heard of the miracles, she had sought healing for years, she had paid the price. Finally spent and desperate, she risked public harassment and violence to get to Him. If you need a healing in any area of your life, pay attention to this woman's path to Jesus. Touch Him and He will touch you.

There are lots of people in pain around us everyday. Not everyone is looking for God to help. Some people wear their physical ailments or problems like a badge to garner sympathy. That is not the kind of desperation that will reach God's heart. It is when we know He is the Healer and will heal us, will help us, if we can only touch His heart and search for where He is. He reveals Himself to those who are looking for Him. If you search for Him, you will find Him if you search for Him with all of your heart.