Monday, December 13, 2010

Why is Creativity Important?

Have you ever seen a painting that "took your breath away?" There are times when beauty titillates our senses and touches the very core of who we are. A sunset, a sleeping baby's face, beautiful flocks of birds, dolphins swimming in the ocean, certain artistic performances, music. Why are we so drawn to these things, why do they fulfill that certain longing in our soul?

Human beings were created in God's image. That is, creative beings. It is the one thing that sets us apart from other beings in the universe. The fact that God is the Creator has been hotly contested in our hedonistic society. However, it lies at the center of Satan's motivations. We are creators, too. If the enemy of the human race can't destroy people, he will "twist" their creativity to perpetuate perversity in hopes of brainwashing the masses with his corrupt thinking.

How Satan must have hated the Renaissance! An explosion of Scripture, beauty, artistic genius, and learning broke through the darkness of death and hopelessness and brought hope and life to the suffering and illiterate. The message of God's love and glorious entrance into the world was distributed and became well known to the entire world. Never underestimate the power of your creativity. Not only to bring light and hope to others, but to obliterate darkness.

When we are creative, we are acting like our Father. Emulating His life, awe, and brilliance. We are the only creatures under the sun that can exhibit His attributes. It's time to color outside the lines, tap into our spiritual DNA, and express the creativity God has placed within each one of us. There is no one in the universe exactly like you! (You were created that way.)

1 comment:

Melanie said...

you are such a creative writer! :o)