Monday, February 9, 2009

Easily Distracted While Praying?

Recently, several people have mentioned to me how they are easily distracted during times of prayer or "tuning in" to God. As always, Jesus is our example. He spent many hours away seeking the Father and communing with Him. He also had an uncanny ability to "know" what God wanted Him to do in any given situation and was able to interact in a supernatural way with people, the physical world, and the spiritual world.

The Scripture talks about entering into His rest. In a practical sense, we must learn to dial down our soul and body when they try to take over the work our spirit is accomplishing while in communion with God. This communion or connection with God is desired 24/7. This is the great battle against our mind and soul. To stay as close as we can to His Spirit and be one with Him. In effect, in that communion we are like Jesus as we know what God's heart is for differing situations we may encounter.

For the next several days, I will add my thoughts to how this can be accomplished step by step. It is extremely difficult to maintain this type of communion if you are easily distracted and we must discipline ourselves toward focusing our spirit for victory in this arena.

1 comment:

Misty said... what? We both know I am one of the "ones"